Monday, December 21, 2015

How To Weather-Proof Your Property

El Nino Is Coming

Every year there is an annual weather pattern created by unusually warm water temperature in the Equatorial Pacific.  This is known as El Nino.  A storm system that is responsible for heavy rainfall in the southern parts of the United States.  

This weather system can have a drastic effect on day-to-day climate change.  In an article by Rosalie L. Donlon, on, she discusses the various preparations which need to be made to defend against the upcoming rainy weather.  

What Can You Do?
To prepare for a flood risk from unpredictable rainfall here are a few things to be considered:

1.  Ask yourself, do you have flood insurance?  Flooding is not covered under your standard homeowner policy.
2.  If you lost power to your building or home, could your sump pump still operate?
3.  Do you have an emergency generator in the event of a loss of power?
4.  Does your neighborhood or area around your building have back pump preventers installed on sewer drains?
5.  Is there a risk of ice buildup or water build up on sidewalks or building surfaces?

To prepare for a leak or defect from your roof here are a few things to be considered:

1.  Have you trimmed your trees and cleared any loose branches to prevent damage to your property?
2.  Is all of the roof flashing in good condition?
3.  Missing or damaged shingles should be repaired or replaced.
4.  All gutters and downspouts should be cleared of any obstructions.

Any anomalies in your roof could lead to leaks and water damage which can lead to spending a lot of money on repairs.

 What Is Your Emergency Plan?
Having an emergency plan in case of a disaster is not just for corporations and small businesses.  This is something which should be completed by all individuals at risk of being hit with any sort of disaster.  Individuals in the San Diego area are subject to wild fires cause by extremely dry brush, high winds, and drought.  Whether its rain, ice, or fire, an emergency plan is a must.  You must know how to get in touch with family members.  There should be procedures in plan on how to transport the elderly or disabled to safety.  In order to put this plan into action there must be a good mode of communication.  Keeping battery powered radios and flashlights can help jump-start your plan into action and may mean the difference between life and death.  

Here's Where We Come In
With all the changes in weather this time of year, it's the perfect chance for clients to contact their Insurance Agents and conduct a full coverage review.  This is where you should take a full inventory of your indoor and outdoor property and make sure all of the points in this article have been inspected and identified.

If you'd like to check out the original article please click below:

Monday, December 7, 2015

Watch Out In Reverse

Parking Lot Pandemonium

Happy holidays everyone!  I hope you've had your fill of turkey and are either lighting a menorah or preparing your Christmas tree.  With the coming holiday season approaching that means a lot more people behind the wheel.  More and more people are going to be traveling to their family member's homes.  This means more chances to get one of those nasty fender benders we all know and hate.


This fact is most apparent in the parking lots of shopping malls.  Everyone will be heading to the nearest shopping mall to get the newest toys and gadgets to put under the tree.  According to an article by Claire Boston titled, "Parking lots seen as holiday danger zone for drivers in reverse", backing up accounts for 25% of car crashes and only takes up 1% of your driving time.  Most parking lot crashes are often due to passengers, phones, the radio, and intense parking-spot searches.  This is never more prevalent then during the holidays.

You would think it was common sense, but here are a few driving tips suggested for your holiday season:

- Check surroundings before entering your car

- Look in every direction when pulling in or out of a parking space

- Stay off the gas pedal while backing up

- Watch for pedestrians moving between vehicles 

With increased highway and city travel, it is essential to hold safety above the holiday season.

Stay safe and have a great holiday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What An Insurance Doctor Looks Like

Step Into My Office

Written by Sheldon Ruskin

Let me first introduce myself,...

My name is Sheldon Ruskin.  I am an independent  Insurance  Broker  and owner of Scripps Insurance Services.  My company has been operating in the beautiful city of San Diego  since 2001.  Before starting my own  agency,  I worked for Allstate for more then 20 years as a company Agent.  With over 35 years of experience, my staff and I bring a lot of time tested knowledge to every case we work on which is invaluable when it comes to advising clients with the best recommended coverage's. In today's market having available options to choose from is paramount.

So why an Independent Agent...

Working with an independent agent has it's many perks.  With some companies, you get one company that sells one  type or brand of insurance  and in most cases, price becomes the only factor.  With shopping for the right coverage to fit your specific set of circumstances, its never one size fits all. With an independent insurance agency like Scripps Insurance Services you get choices!  Scripps Insurance Services represents many different insurance companies, and can compare coverage and prices to find the best possible value for your individual circumstances. As independent agents, we are members of the San Diego community, and we’re committed to doing business face-to-face when ever possible and being your advocate in times of need.  Remember, we always represent the insured first and foremost where employee agents represent and protect the company and their profits.

I like to think of us as a team of doctors.  We are not here to use a band-aid approach for surgery or sell you minimal bare-bones coverage like you would possibly get some place else.  We always seek out the best coverage and value to protect your overall estate or business. We listen and we educate!  We figure out your symptoms, whether it's a case of needing a home, auto & umbrella package, earthquake & floodbusiness or commercial coverage including general liability, E&O professional liability, commercial auto & transportation and workers compensation. We take the time necessary to find the best cure that's going to cover your specific illness or risk issues.

So why a blog?

Simply because at Scripps Insurance Services we believe it is our duty to listen and educate.  This is the part where we educate.  This blog will be a window you can look through to learn more about the necessities of having a secure insurance portfolio.  We will be reviewing news articles that directly relate to the public, and discussing several important issues about the insurance industry and how it affects you, your life and your surroundings.  We will be answering several questions and exploring options about how to best cover what's most important to you and laying to rest a few assumptions about insurance as a whole.

Want to learn more about us? Visit our site!